
chloe 调教 西南交通大学老师主页 范好意思坤

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chloe 调教 西南交通大学老师主页 范好意思坤

范好意思坤解释,四川省学术和工夫带头东说念主后备东说念主选,四川宜宾东说念主。西南师范大学(现西南大学)本科(1999)、硕士(2002);加拿大维多利亚大学(University of Victoria)化学系博士(2010);西安大致大学(Western University)博士后(2011);麦吉尔大学(McGill University)探听学者(2018)。曾任教于大连理工大学(2002-2005);2011-2013年在成皆绿色动力与绿色制造工夫研发中心职责,任环境科学与工夫课题组组长;2013年算作引进东说念主才参预西南交通大学地球科学与环境工程学院职责chloe 调教,2015-2017任地球科学与环境工程学院院长助理;2024年起任环境科学与工程学院院长助理(摊派照应生职责)。照应敬爱敬爱主要见谅沾污溯源(水、土、气)和环境/生物分析化学花样修复,先后主抓国度当然科学基金方式4项,其它国度级方式2项,省部级方式3项。累计已在Environ Sci. & Technol., Water Res., Chem. Sci., ACS AMI, Anal. Chem., ACS sensors, Food Chem.以及Small等杂志上以第一作家或通信作家发表SCI论文90余篇,其中高被引论文1篇,H-index为33,篇均援用40余频次,单篇著述最高被引1000余频次(Google scholar),8篇论文援用稀疏100次,2021-2023年度三次参预斯坦福大学发布的年度科学影响力大家前2%顶尖科学家榜单,其中2023年度参预细分限制前1%。算作第一发明东说念主现存授权中国发明专利8项,实用新式专利1项,苦求专利6项。

现任四川省生态环境策略法治照应会常务理事、生态环境策略照应专委会主任;中国分析测试协会第七届后生学术委员会委员;NSFC基金函评众人、科技部要紧专项及香港Research Grants Council函评众人,科技部要紧专项会评众人、四川省科技厅、四川省环保厅方式评审众人库成员,广东省、河北省、重庆市和西藏自治区科技厅方式评审众人;广东省、四川省科技奖励会评众人; Applied Spectroscopy Reviews  (JCR Q1)和《分析施行室》杂志编委,Journal of Analysis and Testing、Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis (JCR Q1)杂志后生编委,同期担任多个有名杂志如J. Mater. Chem., Chem. Comm., J. Agri. Food. Chem., ACS AMI, Trends in Anal. Chem., Chemosphere等高影响因子杂志审稿东说念主。

Professor Meikun Fan is currently the Assistant Dean of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Southwest Jiaotong University, where he oversees graduate studies. His research interests primarily focus on pollution source apportionment (air, water, soil) and the development of analytical methods for environmental and biomedical applications.

Dr. Fan earned his Master's degree in China in 2002 and subsequently worked as a university lecturer at Dalian University of Technology. He then pursued his Ph.D. at the University of Victoria in Canada, where he conducted pioneering research on the fabrication and application of metallic nanoparticles for surface-enhanced vibrational spectroscopy and localized surface plasmon resonance. After completing his postdoctoral research at the University of Western Ontario, he returned to China to join Southwest Jiaotong University.

Since joining Southwest Jiaotong University, Dr. Fan has secured numerous research grants, including four National Natural Science Foundation of China projects and several provincial and ministerial grants. His prolific research has resulted in over 90 peer-reviewed publications in high-impact journals such as Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, and Chemical Science. His work has been widely recognized, with one paper cited over 1000 times and his h-index reaching 33. He has also been named a Highly Cited Researcher by Stanford/Elsevier's Top 2% Scientist Rankings for three consecutive years.

Beyond his research, Dr. Fan is actively involved in academic service. He serves as a member of various editorial boards and expert panels, including the Chinese Analytical Testing Association and the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. He is also a frequent reviewer for top-tier journals such as Journal of Materials Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry.

Note to international students:

I do accept international student (from MSc to PhD level). However, DO NOT contact me if you did not go through my C.V. In addition, all international students MUST submit a RESEARCH PROPOSAL (3-5 pages) based on my research interests and your background BEFORE asking a supporting letter. 




加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill University)大气与海洋科学系(2018.1~2018.12,Parisa Ariya Group)

加拿大维多利亚大学(University of Victoria) 化学系(2014.2~2014.8, Alexandre Brolo Group)


西安大致大学(Western University) (2010.09~2011.03),加拿大


多伦多大学(University of Toronto) /维多利亚大学(2010.05~08),加拿大


维多利亚大学化学系(2005.09~2010.04),师从Alexandre Brolo解释






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